Welcome to Dr. Elzeiny Quran Class


  1. This is a fascinating site in learning Quranic Arabic. It will help you a lot.

  2. This is a site for translation of the Holy Quran using easy English.

  3. Books about the Names of Allah [Book 1] [Book 2] [Brief Meanings]

Week [33]: May 28, 2017

The Names of Allah Al-Majeed and Al-Majid. (The Ultimate Glory and Perfection, and the Endless Giving)

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 285-286 from Surat Al-Baqra by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the site so that you can memorize the Ayat right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words summarize the class.

  1. What is the difference between Al-Majeed and Al-Majid?

  2. What is the meaning of Al-Majid?

  3. Do we like perfection? Do we look up to the perfect ones?

  4. Why do evil exist?

  5. Allah was rebuking the ones who don't want to feed the poor and use the argument that why do you need us to feed someone, if Allah wanted he would have fed himself. Where in the Quran Allah mention this? Why this argument is silly ridiculous argument?

  6. Allah was rebuking people who have been pursuing the non-stop increase in worldly things. Where in the Quran was that mentioned? What did Allah threaten them with?

  7. Is it wrong to seek increasing of worldly things?

  8. Explain the metaphor of the room full of gold and rocks and we pick the rocks instead of the gold.

  9. Explain the metaphor of the angel of death deporting us from this life.

  10. What if you seek the increasing in your relationship with Allah, would that have an end to it?

  11. How can you keep getting Hassanat (good deeds) after you die? Mention the three ways and give examples.

  12. What is the difference between islam (small i) and Islam (capital I)?

  13. Explain the metaphor of this life being as a piece of chocolate that Allah uses for ....

  14. Allah giving is infinite, but sometimes he doesn't give. Why?

  15. What is the difference between Hadith Qudsy, regular Hadith and Quran? (hint source of the thought and source of the wording)






Week [32]: May 21, 2017

Events of the Day of Judgement.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 285-286 from Surat Al-Baqra by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words summarize the class.






Week [31]: May 14, 2017

The Names of Allah related to Originating the creation and then brining it back to life.

المبدئ، المعيد، الباعث

This is what would happen if you don't do your homework.

This is what would happen if you do your homework.

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 285-286 from Surat Al-Baqra by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

All answers must be in relation to the Names of Allah  Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz.

  1. What are the three names related to originating the creation and bring it back to life? Explain each name in at least 60 words each.

  2. For humans, which is harder, originating things for the first time or repeating them? How about for Allah?

  3. What would happen if something exists in the knowledge of Allah?

  4. What happen to the good guys when they die? Describe who gets the soul, what would  happen when the soul is taken up to meet Allah? What happen when the angel ask for permission to pass into the second heaven? how the soul would be returned back to the grave? what would happen after the soul returns back to the grave? What are the three questions? What are the names of the angels who ask these questions. How would the bad soul answer the question? What would happen to them when they give the wrong answer? What happen to them after that?

  5. Answer question 4 for the bad guys.

  6. What is happening in the following picture?

7. What is happening in the following picture?







Week [30]: May 7, 2017

The Names of Allah related to creation: Al-Khalaq, Al-Khaliq, Al-Bari'a and Al-Mosawer (The Continuously Creator, The Creator, The Maker and the Fashiorer).

الخلاق، الخالق، البارئ، المصور، أحسن الخالقين

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 285-286 from Surat Al-Baqra by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

All answers must be in relation to the Names of Allah  Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz.

  1. What are the five names related to creation? Explain each name in at least 60 words each.

  2. What is the difference between our creation and the creation of Allah.

  3. Who is Lucretius? What was his opinion regarding the issue of creation? Do you agree with him? Explain in details.

  4. Is it easy to Allah to create? How easy it is? Mention the story behind the following related Ayat (36:78-82) and explain it.

  5. How long Allah has been creating and how long he will continue to create? Explain.

  6. Comment about the shapes Allah Al-Mosawir makes.

  7. About the tree names Khaliq, Bari'a and Mosawer. Two can be used to name human and one can't. Identify the one we can't and explain why?

  8. Is Allah wearing a Hijab? Why? Explain.

  9. During the heavenly journey of the Prophet SAW, did he get to see Allah? Was angel Gibril able to proceed with the Prophet Mohamed all the way? Explain.

  10. What happened when angel Israfil blow in the trumpet the first time. What happened when he blow in the trumpet the second time? How long in between.

  11.  What is the first thing that Allah created to write the books of creation. Does this mean that Allah is responsible for our bad deeds because it was already written ahead of time? Explain how.


Click here to download the notes.

Week [29]: April 30, 2017

The Names of Allah Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz (The Preserver of people, deeds, knowledge and everything He wills to preserve).

الحافظ، الحفيظ

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 285-286 from Surat Al-Baqra by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

All answers must be in relation to the Names of Allah  Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz.

  1. What are the meanings of the the Names Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz.

  2. How do you preserve your wealth?

  3. How do you preserve your life from dangers?

  4. Allah sometimes preserves your faith by depriving you. How? Give Examples.

  5. Allah did what to the Quran in relation to the the names Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz? How?

  6. List all the things that you can think of that you want Allah to preserve.

  7. What is the opposite to Hifz?

  8. How does Allah preserves the deeds?

  9. What you should do first before you depend on Allah to preserve you or your stuff?

  10. We Muslims need to preserve our eyes, tongue and mouth. How?

  11. The following Ayat in the Quran talks about things related to the Names of Allah Al-Hafeez and Al-Hafiz? Explain them.11:5734:2142:6








Week [28]: April 23, 2017

The Three Names of Allah Related to Ability and Planning

Al-Qadeer, Al-Qadir and Al-Moqtadir

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayah 285 from Surat Al-Baqra by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. What are the meanings of the three names Al-Qadir, Al-Qadeer and Al-Moqtader

  2. Allah is able to do anything but would he do everything? Explain.


    For the following sections of the Quran, find and mention the example that Allah SWT has used to make us know that he is able, super able, planner, super planner and able to execute his plans. For example in 36:77-82, Allah speaks about the one who brought a dead bone and squished it in his hands to make it dust and then blow it away. While he was doing that, he told the Prophet SAW can your god bring this dead bone back to life. Allah responded "he gave an example and he forgot that he was created, he said who is going to bring this dead bone to life. Tell him the one who made it the first time will be able to do it again". Following this example, explain the following parts of Quran.

  3. 77:20-23

  4. 6:65

  5. 6:91

  6. 22:73-74

  7. 39:67

  8. 54:41-42

  9. 54:54-55

  10. 77:20-23

  11. 23:93-94

  12. 18:45








Week [27]: April 16, 2017

The Three Names of Allah Related to Gifting.

Al-Karim, Al-Akram and Al-Wahab

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayah 285 from Surat Al-Baqra by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. What are the two meanings of the Name Al-Karim?

  2. Allah described his thrown as Al-Karim. What does it mean? Do Allah's thrown give gifts?

  3. Is Allah expecting anything back?

  4. Does Allah wait for us to ask first before gifting us?

  5. Is Allah generosity restricted to the good people only? Explain.

  6. Some people are deceived when Allah gives them gifts. Explain? Use the example of the story of the one who owned two gardens. What made him think that Allah loves him. Why did he think that Allah will also give him better gardens in the next life? What happened to him at the end?

  7. Some tyrant kings die while still being kings. Some are thrown of power first before they die (like Sadam Hussain). Which one is better? Explain why?

  8. A group of Jews say that Allah's hand is restrained. What made them say that? Reply to their argument.

  9. Why the generous person is loved and why the stingy person is disliked?

  10. What is the meaning of the name of Allah Al-Akram? Which Surah it was mentioned? Why is it the first name that was revealed in the Quran?

  11. What is the difference between Al-Karim and Al-Akram?

  12. What is the meaning of the Name Al-Wahab?

  13. Prophet Zakaraia called on Allah using the name of Al-Wahab. What did he ask for and what did he get?

  14. The angel told Marium that Allah will gift her with who?

  15. Who are the five super Prophets?

  16. Prophet Suliman called on the Name of Allah Al-Wahab after he made a sin. What was the sin? What did he ask for when he called on Allah Al-wahab?

  17. What did Prophet Suliman do to the horses?

  18. How come the Shytans and the Jinn continued working 1000 years after the death of Prophet Soliman.










Week [26]: April 2, 2017

The Name of Allah Al-Sittir (The Coverer of Shame)

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110-111 from Surat Al-Isra'a by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. Is the Name of Allah Al-Sittir mentioned in the Quran, Hadith or both?

  2. Mention the Hadith that mentions the Name of Allah Al-Sittir.

  3. Allah covers our private sins, faults and shame? Why?

  4. Would Allah keep covering our private sins over and over and over again? Explain.

  5. Does Allah cover our shame because we deserve it?

  6. What is the physical meaning of the Name Al-Sittir? How is this related to the dress code?

  7. If you commit a sin in private, is it good that you put it in facebook? Why?

  8. Mention the Hadith that speaks about the ones who brag about their sins or tell everyone about them.

  9. Mention the Hadith about the guy who hugged and kissed a woman in privacy.

  10. If you made a private sin and you want to know the ruling of Islam regarding the sin during a public event. Do you say I did xxxx and I want to know how to deal with it (1st person). Or do you say I know someone who did xxxx and he wants to know how to deal with it (3rd person)? Explain?

  11. What if you see someone making a private sin. Do you cover it up or do you tell everyone? (Note: This doesn't apply to crimes. You need to call the authorities if you happen to to see or to know about a crime)

  12. What is the rule of Sharia'a about telling everyone about the personal private sin of others

  13. Mention the Hadith that talks about covering the sins of your brothers.

  14. Mention how Allah would remind us of our sins in the day of judgment.

  15. Mention the story about when Allah stopped the rain and Prophet Musa prayed to him to lift the drought.

  16. Mention the story of Aisha R when she was slandered.

  17. What happens if sins smell bad?


Click here to see the written notes


Week [25]: March 26, 2017

The Name of Allah Al-Latif (The Gentle, the Knower of Hidden Things)

and Al-Shafa^  الشفاعة

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110-111 from Surat Al-Isra'a by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. What is the meaning of the verb Latafa?

  2. Mention all the meanings of the name of Allah Al-Latif.

  3. How many times the Name Al-Latif occurs in the Quran?

  4. The name of Al-Latif is mentioned alone or combined with another name. What is that other name? What is the meaning of the combination?

  5. The following Ayat has the Name of Allah Al-Latif mentioned, explain how the Name Al-Latif means in the context of each Ayah. The Ayat are (67:14), (6:103), (22:63), (31:16), (42:19) and (16:100) and

  6. How come Allah knows about the leaf falling from a tree in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night and where is it going? Why would Allah want to know this very little minute details?

  7. What is the meaning of Shafa^a? What is its purpose? How is it linked to the Name of Allah Al-Latif?

  8. What is the greatest Shafa^a? Who will do it? When it would be done? Mention the story.

  9. If the Prophet of a nation gives up hope on his people and prays to Allah to destroy them, would Allah do that? Who is the Prophet that did it?


Click here to see the written notes


Week [24]: March 19, 2017

Tafseer Surat Al-Fatiha II

Click here to listen to the class.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110-111 from Surat Al-Isra'a by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. Bism Allh Al-Rahman Al-Rahim. The Prophet SAW said that if anyone doesn't say it before doing something, then what he did is incomplete. What did the Prophet mean by "incomplete"? Give examples.

  2. Bism Allh Al-Rahman Al-Rahim works as an alarm against doing evil deeds. How? Explain?

  3. What are the implication of the word Rab رب?

  4. The Surah starts first addressing Allah as a third person, then it changes to address Allah as a second person. What are Ayat numbers of the second person and third person? What is the meaning of the change from third to second.

  5. Allah SWT said that I divided Al-Fatiha between me and my slave. Explain in details?

  6. Why does the Surah says "it is you that we worship" instead of "it is you that I worship"? What is the significance of this?

  7. The surah said "Guide us to the straight path" instead of "Guide us to the straight paths". Is it one path or multiple? Explain in details.

  8. Who are Al-Dalin الضالين? Give one example.

  9. Who are Al-Magdobe Alyhim المغضوب عليهم ? Give one example.

  10. How many kinds of guidance we have? What are they? Explain each in details.
  11. Give an example of someone who know the truth but he doesn't follow it. Hint lose weight.
  12. Complete the following sentences based on the diagram of circles that we drew in the class. All people are losers except ...., ..... are losers except ......., ..... are losers except ......., ..... are losers except .......
  13.  How does Islam protect us from superstitious beliefs?
  14. Why were the children of Israel mad at Allah? What did they decided to do as a "punishment" to Allah?
  15. What is the meaning of "Amin"?


Click here to see the written notes

Week [23]: March 12, 2017

Tafseer Surat Al-Fatiha I

Click here to listen to the class Part I.

Click here to listen to the class Part II.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110-111 from Surat Al-Isra'a by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. Bism Allh Al-Rahman Al-Rahim is at the beginning of what Surah? In the middle of what Surah? Optional at what Surah? Forbidden at what Surah?

  2. What is the meaning of "In the Name of". Give examples.

  3. What is the meaning of "In the Name of Allah".

  4. What is meaning of Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim, and what is the difference?

  5. Al-Rahman Al-Rahim, which one is the nature of Allah and which one is the action of Allah?

  6. What is the meaning of Al-Hamdullelah?

  7. What is the meaning of Rab? Is it used with humans as well?

  8. What is the meaning of Al-Alamin? Give examples.

  9. Why was Al-Rahman Al-Rahim repeated again in Ayah 3?

  10. Mention the difference between slavery to Allah and slavery to wages, income, individuals or corporations.

  11. The Surah says that Allah is the king of the day of judgment. Isn't Allah the king at all times. How come is mentioned here that Allah is the king of the day of judgement?

  12. The Surah reminds us with the day of Judgment. What is the importance of belief in the day of judgment and how does it reflect on our decisions and actions?

  13. Would Allah give Jannah to a person who did good deeds for reasons other than Jannah? Explain.


Click here to see the written notes


Week [22]: March 5, 2017

First Topic: The Name of Allah Al-Jamil (The One Full of Beauty; The Most Beautiful; The Pinnacle of Beauty; The Creator of Beauty; The One Who Deals in the Most Beautiful Manners)

Click here to listen to the class - Part 1

Click here to listen to the class - Part 2

Click here to listen to Dr. Qahdi speech about the Name of Allah Al-Jamil.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110-111 from Surat Al-Isra'a by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. Mention the Hadith where the Prophet Said “No one enters Jannah if he/she has an atom weight of arrogance in his/her ...." What do you learn from the Hadith.

  2. How to dress to make sure that we are within the limits for both men and women? Mention the dresses we are forbidden from wearing?

  3. Mention the Hadith the wealthy person who came to see the Prophet and he was wearing torn and cheap clothes. What do we learn from this Hadith?

  4. Would everyone be able to see the beauty of Allah's Al-Jamil face in the day of Judgment. Who would and who wouldn't.

  5. What would happen to the people of hell fire if they can see the face of Allah?

  6. What happened when Prophet Musa AS asked Allah to see him? Tell the story.

  7. Does Allah wear Hijab? Why or why not? What if he uncovers his Hijab.

  8. During the night and heavenly journey of the Prophet SAW to see Allah (Al-Isra'a and Al-Mi^raj). Did  the Prophet SA see Allah? What did he say when he was asked about that?

  9. During (Al-Isra'a and Al-Mi^raj), was angel Gibril able to accompany Prophet Mohamed SAW all the way to his final destination? What did he say when the Prophet SAW asked him about that?

  10. Because Allah deals with us in a beautiful manner. What would happen if he would rush in the punishment of us due to our sins?

  11. Allah is the creator of beautiful things. Mention and explain three verses in the Quran regarding the beautiful creation of Allah. Hint: you may use the two ones in the notes notes and then come up with one of yours.

  12. Allah likes Al-Jamil likes Jamil dress. Summarize the dress code in Islam.


Click here to see the written Notes

Allah is Jamil (Beautiful) and He loves beauty. Click here to see the dress code in Islam.

Week [21]: February 26, 2017

First Topic: The Names of Allah: Al-Wadud (The One Who Loves and Beloved, and the Creator of Love)

Second Topic: The Names of Allah that are opposite to each other and have to come in pairs.

Third Topic: Combining two names of Allah together.

Click here to listen to the class.

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi Lecture about the Name of Allah Al-Wadud.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 110 from Surat Al-Isra'a by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. Allah is seeking the love of who? Does he need them? Do they need him?

  2. What is manifestation of Allah's love? How does Allah seek our love?

  3. What is the difference between Wud and Love?

  4. All love has selfish elements in it, does the love of Allah to us causes pain?

  5. What is the manifestation of Allah's love? How does Allah seek our love?

  6. Can you worship Allah if you don't love him? Can you hate Allah and at the same time worships Allah?

  7. People pray for three reasons, one of them is that one prays because he has to pray. What are the other two?

  8. After Allah gives us all these favors, who are the ones who don't appreciate them and deny his favors and what do you say about them?

  9. In order to appreciate Allah's favors, do you compare yourself to the one higher than you or lower than you? Why? Explain.

  10. Why do Facebook cause depression?

  11. All love to other than Allah causes pain. Why? Explain with examples.

  12. How do we seek the love of Allah?

  13. Give five examples of the love created by Allah?

  14. Think about this world without love. What do you say about that? Describe how is it like to live with a one that you don't love?

  15. Human suffer from a love crisis. This causes what?

  16.  List the names of Allah that come in pairs and explain the meanings. Can we mention the negative one without the possitive.

  17. List five examples of the names that are combined to complement one another.

  18. What is the meaning of Al-Aziz Al-Hakim? Why did Allah combine them together?

  19. What is the meaning of Al-Aziz Al-Rahim? Why did Allah combine them together?

  20. What is the meaning of Al-Ghafoor Al-Wadud? Why did Allah combine them together?

  21. Imagine, if Allah did not crate love, how would life be?

  22. One of the reasons wars are taken place because of the love crisis. Explain.



Click here for written Notes

Week [20]: February 12, 2017

Quran Competition - Make sure to do all previous HW.

Week [19]: February 5, 2017

The Names of Allah: (Al-Fatah - The Opener or the Reliever)

Image result for keys

Keys of mercy, relief, provision, health, happiness, ...etc. You name it, Allah has the keys for it.

Click here to listen to the class.

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi Lecture about the Name of Allah Al-Fatah.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Click here to download the written notes.


Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. What is the keys are related to the Name of Allah Al-Fatah?

  2. How is the word "stuck" related to the Name of Allah Al-Fatah?

  3. What are the doors that Al-Fatah can open or close?

  4. What is the meaning of Al-Fatah related to the concept of victory?

  5. What is the meaning of Al-Fatah related to the concept of judgment?

  6. What is the meaning of Al-Fatah related to the concept of decree?

  7. Allah decreed both the laws of nature and the laws of Islam. What are the differences between them?

  8. What happens if you break the laws of Islam? Give four examples related to drinking, smoking, adultery and injustice.

  9. Tell the story of the debate between the evil king, Al-Namrood, and Prophet Ibrahim. How is this story related to the laws of Islam and the laws of nature?

  10. What is the name of the Day of Judgment related to Al-Fatah? Why was it called that way.

  11. What is the story about the people in the Day of Judgment when they were stuck because Allah was angry and He refuses to start the judgment. What happened? How is this related to the name Al-Fatah?

  12. How to believe in the Name of Allah Al-Fatah? In other words, how does the believe in Allah's Name Al-Fatah makes you different?



Click here for written Notes







Week [18]: January 29, 2017

The Names of Allah: Al-Rahman Al-Rahim

Image result for ‫الرحمة‬‎

Click here to listen to the class.

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 1.

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about the names related to Rahma Part 2.


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-18 from Surat Loqman [31:1-18] by clicking here. This is the Surah for the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Click here to download the written notes.

Listen to class and read the written notes, then in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. How many times Allah ascribed Rahma to himslef in the Quran.

  2. How many names for Allah derived from the attribute of Rahma. What are they

  3. Does Allah follow rules? Who make these rules? Give three examples.

  4. Allah divided his Rahma to 100 pieces. Who many Allah kept to himself for the Day of Judgment and how many did he give to his creation.

  5. Would the Shitan and the enemies of Allah hope for his Rahma.

  6. What is the meaning of cursed?

  7. In the Hadith, there was a woman looking for her child, ....continue the Hadith.

  8. Allah called the Prophet SAW Rahma and called the Quran Rahma. Why?

  9. How many times Allah's Name Al-Rahman was mentioned alone in the Quran? How many times it is mentioned combined with another name? What is that other name?

  10. How many names of Allah end with Alif-Noon. What is the significance of this Alif-Noon.

  11. What are the names of men most loved by Allah?

  12. The Names Allah and Al-Rahman are so special. Why? Explain.

  13. How many times that Name Al-Rahim was mentioned in the Quran?

  14. What are the differences between the two Names of Allah Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim?

  15. The names Al-Rahim always come combined with two other names. What are they? What is the meaning of these combinations?


Week [17]: January 22, 2017

Beginning of Surat Al-Hadeed (the Iron) --> Al-Awal (The First); Al-Akhir (The Last); Al-Zahir (The Outward); Al-Batin (The Inward).

سُوۡرَةُ الحَدید:  ٱلۡأَوَّلُ وَٱلۡأَخِرُ وَٱلظَّـٰهِرُ وَٱلۡبَاطِنُ‌ۖ 

Click below to listen to the class:

Part I: Allah is not contained in time

Part II: The Day of Judgment and the unseen

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about  opposite and complementary pairs of His names


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-18 from Surat Loqman [31:1-18] by clicking here. This is the Surah for the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. Is Allah inside time or outside time? Can time age Allah? Can time change Allah? Explain in details.

  2. Does Allah need to wait to see things happening? Explain. Use the example of a story board.

  3. What do we mean that Allah is Al-Awal and Al-Akhir? Does he has start or end?

  4. Explain the Outside using the example of a telescope.

  5. Explain the inside using the example of a microscope.

  6. What is the Hadeeth that was narated in Shiat books of Hadeeth regarding the two angels who met in the middle? Explain the Hadeeth.

  7. During travel, you make a Dua'a to Allah. What is the Dua'a that we mentioned in the class? What is so amazing about this Dua'a?

  8. What is the size of the first heaven relative to the second? the second relative to the third? ..... etc

  9. Is Allah located everywhere? Explain.

  10. Can we see the entire Allah? What can we see? Does the words "Entire Allah" possible? Explain.

  11. What would happen to the people of Hell Fire if they would get see the face of Allah?

  12. What is the best joy for the people of Jannah?

  13. What is the face of Allah that good guys will experience? How about the bad guys?

  14. Would Allah judge everyone of us alone at different times? Explain.

  15. Can Allah be pleased and displeased at the same time? Can he be angry and merciful at the same time? Explain.

  16. What kind of Hijab Allah is wearing and why is he wearing it?


Week [16]: January 15, 2017

The Name of Allah Al-^zeez - The Almighty

Click here to listen to the class

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about  opposite and complementary pairs of Allah's names.



[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-18 from Surat Loqman [31:1-18] by clicking here. This is the Surah for the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. What is the meaning of the Name Al-Azeez. Explain in details. Hint there are three meanings.

  2. From a language point of view, what is the meaning of the word Izah العزة?.

  3. What is the opposite of Izah?

  4. Draw the pyramid of Izah inside the United States. Who is the Azeez of the United States?

  5. Who can give Izah and can take it away? Hint: Imran 3:26.

  6. Why did Allah call the Quran the Azeez Quran? Hint Fosilat 41:41.

  7. If you want Izah, what do you need to do? Hint Fatir 35:10.

  8. What are the fake sources of Izah? Give examples.

  9. The magicians of the Pharaoh that competed with Prophet Musa. What kind of Izzah they were seeking before the competition and then what kind of Izzah they sought after the competition? What did the Pharaoh do to them?

  10. Why is the Izzah of the Pharaoh fake Izzah?

  11. The Name Al-Azeez comes combined with the name Al-Hakeem. Why and what is the meaning of this combination?

  12. The Name Al-Azeez comes combined with the name Al-Raheem (the Merciful). Why and what is the meaning of this combination?

  13. How many times the Name Al-Azeez came in the Quran?

  14. How do you prove that you believe in the Name of Allah Al-Azeez?

  15. What happens if you are order by a dictator to do something Haram? What if the dictator is trying to force you to denounce Islam?


You can download the notes in PDF Format.

The Name of Allah "العزيز"

Meaning of Al-Azeez. Pyramids of Izah (Power)

Comparing the Azeez of United States with the Azeez of Mexico, the Azeez of United States wins.

Allah is the highest Azeez

Allah is the highest super duper power

To prove that you believe in the name of Allah Al-Azeez, you seek Izah from Allah by pleasing him. Don't seek Izah from other super powers than Allah by pleasing other super powers and displeasing Allah. If you can please all, then good, but if you have to please one and make all others angry then please Allah and make all others angry.

Allah is the heavenly Azeez. He is to be pleased and all other earthly Azeezs come next.

Q. What would you do if an earthly super power is forcing you to disobey the highest super duper Azeez (Allah), such as the case in the inquisition?

A. First try to escape to a place where you are free to obey Al-Azeez. If you can't (such as the case of African American slaves), then keep your heart with Al-Azeez. In other words, set your intentions to obey Al-Azeez as much as you can and maintain a desire to obey Al-Azeez if you can get a chance. You have full control over your heart and no one can change your heart except Allah and you.

Week [15]: January 8, 2017

The Name of Allah Al-Wasi^  الواسع - The Unlimited

(The Cow 2:115) --> وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-10 from Surat Loqman [31:1-10] by clicking here. This is the Surah for the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and in no less that 600 words answer the following:

  1. What does the Name Al-Wasi'a mean?

  2. How could we use this name to show that Allah must be one?

  3. What are the two kinds of infinite do we know? Which one is real and which one is fake? Which one is offered by Allah and which one is offered by the Shytan? Explain in details.

  4. Is Jannah infinity? Which kind of infinity is Jannah? Explain.

  5. What is the size of the second heaven relative to the first heaven? the third relative to the second, ...etc. The seven relative to the throne of Allah?

  6. What is best pleasure in Jannah? What would happen to the people of hell if this pleasure happens to them? Is this pleasure available to the people in lower ranks in Jannah? Explain in details.

  7. How did the Shytan used the infinity to trick Adam to eat from the forbidden tree?

  8. Adam got some kind of fake infinities by eating from the forbidden tree. Explain.

  9. If you are told that you will live in Jannah for 50 Million years only. would that causes you to worry? Can Jannah be truly Jannah if it has a time limit?

  10. Can someone who is limited provide something that unlimited (infinity)?

  11. If you mention to the simple minded Bedouin person that Allah is Al-Wasi'a, what would he/she be thinking about?

  12. Explain the infinity of the universe in terms of the size of our solar system, the size of our galaxy, distances between us and the nearest galaxy, the nearest star,, how many galaxies are out there, how many stars in each galaxy, ...etc.


Week [14]: November 18, 2016

Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran

Click here to listen to an audio lecture about the Miracles of the Quran


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-10 from Surat Loqman [31:1-10] by clicking here. This is the Surah for the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to class and in no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Talk about the following:

  1. Explain the Miracles of the mountain shape and role. Write the English translation of all of the Ayat that speaks about this and highlight the part that talks about the miracles of the mountain's shape and role. The Ayat are (13:3, 15:19, 21:31, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10, 50:7, 27:77, 78:6-7)

  2. Explain the barrier between the two seas and the barrier between the river and sea. Write the English translation of the Ayat that speak about this miracles and highlight the part of the Ayat that speaks about the miracle. Quran (55:19-20, 25:53, 27:61)

  3. Explain the positions of the star. After how many minutes we see the position of the sun. Is it possible to see the actual sun and stars now? Explain. Explain how is it possible that we can still see a star that has expired or exploded millions of years ago? Mention the Ayah that talks about the positions of the stars and highlight the specific part of the Ayah that talks about the miracle Quran 56:75-76.

  4. Explain the stages of the development of the baby inside his mother's womb. Write the English translation of the Ayat and highlight the parts that talk about the miracle. Quran, (23:12-14)

  5. Explain the miracle about the formation of Iron.

  6. Explain the miracle about the darkness in the deep ocians.

  7. Explain the miracle about the relationship between darkness and conception of babies. How many layers of darkness are provide and what are they?

  8. Explain the miracles about the light of the sun and the light of the moon.


Click here to download the presentation



Week [13]: November 11, 2016

The Spider (سورة العنكبوت)

Image result for poor foundation house

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 1-5 from Surat Loqman [31:1-5] by clicking here. This is the Surah for the competition. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Listen to the Recording, read the notes and answer the following questions in no less that 600 words:

  1. What are the Surahs of the Quran that has a mention of insect or named after an insect?

  2. When the Surah was reaveled, the Arab Lords made statements, what are these statements? What was the reply of Allah to these statements? Where in the Quran was that reply?

  3. Describe the spider house in terms of strength and does it offer what the house is expected to offer?

  4. Describe the spider family relationship.

  5. Allah used the example of the spider to describe what?

  6. What is the linguistic meaning of the word Fitnah and what is the Islamic meaning of it?

  7. How many Surahs start with individual letters? How many of them don’t have the mention of the Quran right after the individual letters? What are their names?

  8. What is the meaning of these individual letters? Do we know for sure?

  9. Scholars came up with a possible interpretations for these individual letters, what is it and how is it related to the mention of the Quran that follows? (Hint: challenge)

  10. The Surah of the spider starts with the individual letters but the next Ayah was not about the Quran. Explain how this is connected to the concept of challenge.

  11. At the beginning of Surat the Spider, Allah ridicules people who think what? What was the reply of Allah to their ill thinking?

  12. At the end of the Surah, Allah made a statement. What is the statement and what is the message in it?

  13. The followers who follow evil masters, how do they compare to the example of foolish spider?

  14. The followers who follow evil masters argue together in hell and curse each other. Mention three examples of these arguments.


The example of those who rely on other than Allah's establishment, or those who treat others the way Allah is to be treated is like the foolish spider relaying on his house for shelter, coverage and protection.

Week [12]: November 04, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Hady - The Guidance Provider

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1]  Memorize the Ayat 1-9 in Surat Al-Nkaboot The Spider - [Sura : 29, Verses : 1-6]. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Answer the following questions in no less that 600 words:

  1. What is the meaning of the Name of Allah AL-HADI?

  2. List the outcomes that result from the Name of Allah AL-HADI.  For example, Allah guides us by providing Quran, ..........complete the list we mentioned in class. and explain every item and how is it related to the Name of Allah AL-HADI.

  3. How are the miracles of the Quran related to the Name of Allah AL-HADI? Explain.

  4. How punishments would be an outcome caused by the Name of Allah AL-HADI? Compare to the punishments your parents are imposing on you if you do something wrong.

  5. Allah is also Al-Model (Misguides), which is the opposite of Al-Hadi. Answer the following:

    1. Can we mention the name of Allah Al-Model alone. Or it must come in pairs? Explain why.

    2. How is it fair that Allah misguides people?

    3. If Allah providers misguidance, then how can we still be held accountable to our deeds?

  6. Subhaha Allah has two meanings, what are they? Explain.

  7. There are two kinds of guidance. Answer the following:

    1. What are they?

    2. Both kinds are mentioned at the end of Surat Al-Fathia. Explain in details. Write the part of Surat Al-Fatiha where we ask Allah for guidance.

    3. Give examples of both kinds.

  8. Explain the story of Paul and how did he change Christianity. What are the reasons behind the council of Nicaea? Why did Emperor Constantine call for the council?

  9. What was achieved during Nicaea council? Why did Emperor Constantine chose the trinity belief over all other beliefs of Christianity presented to him during the Nicaea council? Explain the logic behind the trinity and how it was appealing to Emperor Constantine and how is it related to paganism.

  10. Give an example of what Emperor Augustine did that changed Christianity.

  11. How did the Roman Empire forced everyone to embrace the trinity. What happened to the ones who did not want to believe in the trinity?

  12. What is the difference between Christianity and Churchianity?

  13. What happened to the languages of other scriptures? Compare this to the language of the Quran. How is this related to the Name of Allah AL-HADI.

  14. Can anyone change the text of the Quran nowadays? Why?


Week [11]: November 20, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Adel - The Balance Maker.

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1]  Memorize the Ayat 1-9 in Surat Al-Rahman in Surat Al-Rahmen - [Sura : 55, Verse : 1-5]. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

Answer the following questions in no less that 600 words:

  1. What is the difference between justice and equality? Is equality always just? Give examples.

  2. Give five examples of how Allah created balance in nature.

  3. How many parts we are made of? Explain each part with details using the metaphor of the car and the driver of the car.

  4. Using the metaphor of the gift inside the box explain which part is more precious.

  5. Give examples of how do we take care of the materialistic part of our existence.

  6. Give examples of how do we take care of the spiritual part of our existence.

  7. Where do we get the spiritual food, vitamins, medications and immunizations from? Give examples.

  8. What are the spiritual vitamins? How does the Quran provide them? Explain.


Week [10]: November 13, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Jabar - The Most Mighty

Or the Most One who Heals the Broken Things

Image result for ‫يجبر الكسور‬‎

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 1-3 from Surat Al-Hadeed[57:1-3] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You may add your own points.

(1) Al-Jabar has two meanings. Mention them and explain each.

(2) How did Allah destroy the king who claimed to give life and death?

(3) Tell the parts of the story of Prophet Musa that highlights that Allah is the Al-Jabar?


Week [9]: November 6, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Qodoos - The Most Pure

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 1-2 from Surat Al-Hadeed[57:1-2] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize correctly.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You may add your own points.


Week [8]: October 30, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Razaq - The Provider or the Supplier

The One Who Divides the Shares Among People.

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 1-2 from Surat Al-Hadeed[57:1-2] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize correctly.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You may add your own points.

1.     Allah is most accused when it comes to dividing the shares among people. Explain?

2.     Why Allah is not making everyone rich?

3.     Why Allah is not making the good people rich and the bad people poor?

4.     Why Allah is not making the bad people rich and the good people poor?

5.     Are our shares pre-assigned? Explain.

6.     We can get our shares the Hallal way or the Haram way. Explain. Mention the story of the Ali Ibn Aby Talib and the camel.

7.     We can get our pre assigned shares of fun the Hallal way and the Haram way.

8.     What is the best way of getting our shares of pain? Explain.

9.     How do drugs affect the happiness?

10. Things are matters of perception. Explain.

11. Feeling of happiness is more important than the amount of wealth you have. Explain.

12. How can we increase our shares?


Week [7]: October 23, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Hakeem I

The Most Wise - Wisdom behind Hallal and Haram.

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 22-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-24] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. Instead, you can use this kids learning Quran.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Define wisdom. What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge?

  2. How would you answer a non Muslim who asks you why the pork is Haram?

  3.  How would you answer a person who asks you why ladies have to wear long loose long dresses that do not reveal the contours of the body?  Address all points mentioned in the class and feel free to add your own as well.


Week [6]: October 16, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Hakeem I

The Most Wise - Why cannot we see Allah, his angel or the life after death.

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 22-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-24] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right. Instead, you can use this kids learning Quran.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1. Instead of having people who deny the existence of Allah and the unseen world, why doesn't Allah allow us to see him and the unseen world? How would this impact our freedom of choice? Use the example of a police officer behind you.

2. What happened to Prophet Mosa when he asked Allah to see him? Explain what happened before and after.

3. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a test from Allah. Explain How?

4. Not being able to see the world of unseen is a mercy from Allah. Explain How?

5. What would happed to us if we can hear the screams of the ones who are being punished in the graves? How is this going to affect our free will or freedom of choice?

6. Is seeing miracles is good or bad? What happen if we see miracles? How would Allah judge us then?

7. Who were the people of the dining table? What happened to them?

8. When the people of Thamood saw the miracle, what was that miracle? Did they believe after seeing the micracles?

9. The Arab Lord asked the Prophet Mohamed for miracles (see these Ayat). What were these miracles? Were they serious?

10. The problems of the world today, were they resulting from lack of Miracles or lack of Prophet, or what?

12. Allah gave Prophet Mosa nine miracles to show to the Pharaoh and his followers. What are these nine miracles (hint see this link)? How did the Pharaoh and his follower react after seeing each one of these miracles?


Week [5]: October 9, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Tawab

Click here to listen to the class

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about  the Name of Allah Al-Tawab.


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 22-24 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-24] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

In no less that 600 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

1.       What is the meaning of the Name of Allah Al-Tawab? Explain.

2.       What would be the reaction of the wise parents when they see their children do something wrong?

3.       In the class we used an example of two teachers; one is fair and the other is Tawab. Mention both examples and compare them. Why one would be Fair only and the other will not only fair, but Also Tawab?

4.       Is repentance in the last minute accepted? Give example of one person mentioned in the Quran that Allah did not accept his repentance. What happened to him? Hint use these Ayat [10:90-91].

5.       What is the time where Allah will not accept anymore repentance or good deeds?

6.       Can one trick Allah and repent in the last minute? What are the possibilities that could happen that will not make us repent in the last minute?

7.       What is the name of the battle called the day of hardship? Write the story of the three believers that missed the battle.


Week [4]: October 2, 2016

The Name of Allah Al-Salam

The Flawless and the Source of Peace and Security.

Click here to listen to the class.

Click here to listen to Dr. Qadhi lecture about  the Name of Allah Al-Salam.


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 22-23 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22-23] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

  1. If one greets you by the phrase "Al-Salamo Alykom السلام عليكم", what is the meaning of this greeting?

  2. When you reply "Walykom Al-Salam وعليكم السلام" what do you mean?

  3. How did the Prophet greet Allah when he met him during the heavenly journey (المعراج)? What was the reply of Allah to this greeting? What did the angels say? Write down the first part of the Tashahud التشهد. and compare with the greetings of The Prophet, the Angels and Allah.

  4. When the Prophet was with his wife Khadija angel Gibril came and told the Prophet to tell Khadija that Allah is sending Salam to her. What was the reply of Khadija and why did she reply that way?

  5. One of the names of Janah is related to the name Al-Salam. What is it? Why was the Jannah called so?

  6. One of the names of the city of Al-Qudos القدس in Palestine is related to Al-Salam? What was it and how did it change with time to Jerusalem ?

  7. Give 3 examples of how to apply the name of Allah Al-Salam in your life.

  8. What is the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What does it mean?

  9. If someone says that Allah is too busy to care about us. How does this statement conflict with the second meaning of the name of Allah Al-Salam? What is the phrase you would use to reply to this accusation to Allah?




Week [3]: September 25, 2016

The Test and the Trust.

Click here to listen to the class


[Part 1] Memorize Ayat 72 from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] Tafseer Part:

In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. (1)             What are the two kinds of names for Allah? which kind Allah wants us to follow? Which one we are forbidden from following? why? Explain.

  2. (2)             Allah trusted us. Explain what is the trust and give the example of the two slaves.

  3. (3)             Explain the laws of nature and compare them to the laws of Islam.

  4. (4)             Explain the gap, and the circle of influence. Give examples of the ones who have small circle of influence and the one who have big ones.

  5. (5)             How many times we were and will be dead and alive. Explain.

  6. (6)             Ayah 72 from Surat Al-Ahzab [33:72] talks about us accepting the trust. Explain how. When and where. Hint use Ayat 172, 173 from Surat Al-Araf [7:172-173]. Do you remember this even? Where was this oath stored?

  7. (7)             Prove that we want to be given the trust and tested. Hint freedom, long life. power and insanity.

  8. (8)             Prove that we want to be given more tests.

  9. (9)             What happens with slaves who don't have a way out?

  10. (10)        Allah created a Khalifa [representation on earth]. What does it mean?

  11. (11)        How did the angels know that humans are going to spread corruption and slaughter one another?

  12. (12)        What happened to the Jinn when they became all corrupt?


The concepts of Khalifa, Gap, Writing your own book, Free Will, Laws of Nature, Laws of Islam, Trust, Being Tested, Tests of Submission.

Week [2]: September 18, 2016

The Names of Allah

Click here to listen to part of the class.

Click here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need to learn about the Names of Allah Part I.

Click here to see Dr. Qadhi lectures about why do we need to learn about the Names of Allah Part II.


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 22 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Do people go to Jannah because of their deeds or because of the mercy of Allah? Mention the story of the slave who met Allah with lots of good deeds.
  2. What are the two kinds of names of Allah. Which kind represent the manners of Allah? Which names that Allah want us to follow and which kind of names that we are forbidden to follow? Give five examples of each kind with explanation of the meaning.
  3. What is the meaning of Mushrik (مشرك)? How is this meaning related to the names of Allah?
  4. Mention the sin that can never be forgiven even with repentance.
  5. Mention the sin that Allah will never forgive unless the person rebents.
  6. Would Allah forgive sins that are not repented from?
  7. One of the worst major sins is related to testimony, what is it? Explain why is it so bad.
  8. What are the middle Gods? Why did people worship them? Why is it offensive to Allah to believe in middle Gods?
  9. People are taken advantage of if they worship middle Gods. Explain and give examples.
  10. Who was the first person who brought idols as middle Gods to Kaba'a? What is his punshiment?


Week [1]: August 28, 2016

The Names of Allah Explain Life.

Click here to listen to 9 minutes of the class. (sorry. Recording stopped in the middle of the class)

Click here to listen to the complete recording of a similar class.


[Part 1]  Memorize Ayat 22 from Surat Al-Hashir [59:22] by clicking here. This web site can repeat the recitation of the Ayat. Use the recitation so that you can memorize them right.

[Part 2] In no less that 200 words summarize the class in detail the way they it was explained in class. Cover the following questions. You are allowed to add your own points. Short answers are not accepted. Send me the homework via email hw@zeiny.net

  1. Why did Allah create?

  2. If he wants to create, why not creating angels and trees that will not kill, commit crimes and spread corruption?

  3. What are the names of Allah applicable to the answers of the previous questions?

  4. What are the tests of Islam?

  5. You can be Muslim to Allah or Muslim to temptations. Explain and use Ramadan as an example.

  6. What happens when you make mistakes ask Allah for forgiveness? What if you make the mistake over and over again and then ask for forgiveness? When would Allah stop forgiving you?

  7. Can we fool Allah and repent in the last minute? Explain.

  8. Give example of the guy who killed 99 persons. What happened when he died? Explain why Allah made it happen this way?

  9. If it is not possible for criminals to repent, then what would happen? Relate this to the guy who killed 99 and then he killed one more to make them 100.

  10. Mention the story of how many prayers should we pray every day. Why did Allah make it happen this way.

  11. Mention the story of selection of the Angel of Death. Why did Allah made it happen this way?
